Ovarian Cysts – The Real Cause

The Real Cause Of Ovarian Cysts

Ovarian cysts are a cluster of fluids that is enclosed by a thin wall in the ovary.Many women are concerned about ovarian cysts, particularly those who are pregnant.

Although most ovarian cysts will be functional, there are some that can become cancerous. To correctly diagnose and treat ovarian cysts, it is important to determine the source of the problem.

There is not one cause for ovarian cysts. There are many primary and secondary causes of ovarian cysts. To seek the best treatment, it is important to fully understand all factors.

The primary factors that lead to ovarian cysts are:

Ovarian cyst formation can be caused by a variety of primary and secondary factors.

Predisposition to ovarian cysts
Research has demonstrated that women with ovarian cysts are more likely to have a genetic predisposition than women without ovarian cysts. PCOS sufferers are more likely to have abnormal metabolisms and dysfunctions in cell activity.

This should not mean that you are doomed. Many times, genetic traits can be altered by lifestyle changes and environmental factors.

Bad dietary habits: Refined carbohydrates, high-doses of hormones and toxins as well as foods that are rich in sugar and acid can all trigger hormonal imbalances and make you more vulnerable to developing ovarian cysts. A diet high in sugar and low in fresh vegetables may make it more difficult to flush out the toxins, which can lead to an increase of ovarian cysts.

A weak immune system can be caused by poor dietary habits, stress or sleep deprivation. An afflicted immune system can make it difficult for the body to fight ovarian cysts.

Insulin resistance: A high level of insulin may cause ovarian androgen stimulation, which can lead to production of male hormones. The serum sex hormone binding globulin (SHGB) is reduced as a result. This can lead to a severe ovarian cyst condition.

Failure to ovulate: If the ovaries don’t release eggs on a regular basis, or because there is a lack of progesterone production, it may trigger the development of ovarian cysts. The cysts form when the cysts are formed from the cysts that were created by the cysts.

Other than the primary factors mentioned above, the likelihood of developing ovarian cysts can be increased by toxins found in the blood and liver as well as environmental toxins.

A multidimensional holistic healing approach is the best way to treat and prevent ovarian cancer.

The holistic approach addresses every condition as a whole, not just the affected organ. The holistic treatment of ovarian cancers is safe, gentle, and long-lasting. It also prevents future complications.

ovarian cyst miracle

The book Ovarian Cyst Miracle by Carol Foster, is the basis for this article. Carol Foster is a researcher, health consultant, author and nutritionist who has dedicated her entire life to developing the best holistic solution to ovarian cysts. It can permanently heal all forms of ovarian cysts. ==>>Visit her website to learn more.